Econex Diverse

Needle valves

series SPV


Micrometric regulation needle valves of series SPV are manufactured to guarantee an accurate regulation of the flow in the pipeline.

By manually rotating the tap is possible to regulate the orifice opening area which is accurately adjusted by a conical shutter.

Needle valve SPV is suitable to control every kind of not corrosive gas and liquid fluids and is in conformity for application with gas belonging to the first, second and third family.


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Gas pressure test point

series PP


Gas pressure test points of series PP are made in brass and
have a threaded screw (niddle) which allows to access to the
pressure inside the pipe or valve.




PP is normally used to test pressure inside a pipe or a valve.


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UV cell

series UV-1


UV cell of series UV-1 are normally applied to detect a
flame by gas or mixed fuel burners.


Flame detection in burners occurs by means of sensors
detecting the presence of flame through an electrical
signal, which can be used by ignition and control devices.


UV-1 cell exploit the radiation emitted by the light generated
by the flame.

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